Organic Vs. Conventional

A new report summarizing numerous studies done over the past several years came out yesterday with headlines saying that, in effect, organic food is no better than conventional food.  This argument is not new although the premise is a little misguided.  I want people to know that regardless of how a food is produced there are 2 main considerations that need to be made.  The first is the quality of the soil the food is grown in.  Health soil will make for healthy plants regardless if the seed used is “certified organic” or not.  Healthy soil is the key to nutritious produce and always will be.  I prefer organic seeds and produce because you are then guaranteed that the plant is not GMO but all things being equal soil quality, not the source of the seed will determine most of all if the plant that grows contains many of the nutrients the human body needs.


The second element that needs to be addressed is if synthetic pesticides/herbicides have been used and if so how much?  There is no argument that putting poisons in our bodies is bad for us.  I wouldn’t take a sip of something designed to kill mass numbers of bugs and that is what is sprayed on your food with conventional produce.  Organic produce will almost always have significantly less pesticide and herbicide residues on them and they should be of the non-synthetic and less toxic variety or they will have none at all.   To me that means it’s healthier just because it is less toxic. 


It is important to remember with our health, as with all things in life, it is the little choices made day in and day out that matter.  Selecting organic vs conventional produce may not make or break your health today. It may not even matter in a year but over time those residues combined with the other stresses put on your system add up.  If I have the choice I take the organic because I know it is more likely to have higher levels of nutrients because it was raised on healthier soil and has less toxicity from pesticide residues.

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