Daily Health Tip

Need another reason to find ways to reduce the amount of sugar you eat? In addition to contributing to insulin resistance, diabetes and a host of other problems, through a process called glucotoxicity eating excess sugar actually contributes to premature aging as the metabolic byproducts of glucose metabolism pile up in the body.  This is perhaps why eliminating wheat products (which SPIKE blood sugar) often leads to reduced arthritis pain, body aches, headaches, acid reflux, etc…  Sugar in small amounts is ok provided it comes from a natural source such as fruit.  Sugar in large amounts is TOXIC to human bodies.

Daily Health Tip

Omega 3 fatty acids are nutrients that are anti-inflammatory and may help protect the brain from degenerative changes which can lead to Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive decline issues.  Salmon and sardines are excellent sources.  Flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts are also good plant sources.  Fish oil and black currant seed oil are also available in supplement form if you find it difficult to add these foods to your diet.

*a word of caution when selecting  fish oil supplement: buy from a practicing doctor of some kind since the products they carry are more likely to be 3rd party tested for heavy metals and other contaminants than a general store bought product.

Daily Health Tip

Remember a few posts ago I said taking a Packer game off here and there is good for lowering blood pressure…?  Ok just kidding.  Not going there again although it’s tough, it’s tough!

So todays real health tip… stress is a big part of most of our lives.  More and more research is starting to show that a simple meditation practice can significantly lower stress.  A basic meditation technique is to sit still and breathe.  While breathing, follow the breath and nothing else.  This shifts the body into parasympathetic mode (wind and dine) and lessens the effects of stress!

Daily Health Tip

Green Tea was said to originally be discovered by a Chinese emperor who noticed that his boiled water gave him extra vigor and mental clarity after some tea leaves had landed in his cup.  Green Tea has numerous health benefits (and a bit of caffeine) that can be attributed to the extra high antioxidant count.  It also has documented anti-cancer properties.  Adding a cup or 3 to your day might not be a bad idea, especially in the fall and winter when a nice warm cup of tea can help ward of the chill on those brisk days.

Daily Health Tip

Call up a good friend today.  It’s amazing how good you will feel after catching up.

Daily Health Tip

True or False:  Coke (the soft drink) can eat the rust off battery connector jacks.   I just saw this on Yahoo the other day as an “alternate use” for soda.  Another time another soda giant claimed there was no way a man found a dead rat in his can of dew because “the acid would have liquidized the body.” You sure you want to put that in your body every day? 

Daily Health Tip

Start your day off with protein and fat in your breakfast.  This type of meal will cause only a small rise in your blood sugar which will help prevent hunger and sweet cravings in the early to middle morning.  The Standard American Diet, or S.A.D. is typically 65% carbohydrate.  An example of a S.A.D. breakfast would be a bowl of cereal, slice of toast and orange juice.  This meal would produce a spike in blood sugar followed by a crash in 90-120 minutes (1 ½ to 2 hours) that results in food cravings and increased hunger.  A good way to start your day?  Try a 2 egg omelet with cheese, onion, green pepper and mushroom.  This meal will typically have around 30% carbohydrates which will result in more even energy throughout the day!

Dailey Health Tip

If you live in Wisconsin, take an occasional Sunday off from watching Packer games to help lower your blood pressure. (just kidding)

Daily Health Tip

Not all vitamins are created equal!  In fact many of the cheap “mega dose” vitamins for sale over the counter in drugstores and other outlets are downright bad for you due to use of dyes, fillers and other ingredients.  A whole food vitamin, even small amounts, is the best way to supplement the diet.  When in comes to supplements you are always better off getting a medium amount of the good stuff than 8000% of some vitamin your body only needs a small amount of at a time.  For an excellent extended version of this health tip check out this link…


Daily Health Tip

Several research papers have come out lately confirming that a few cups of coffee a day is actually good for you!  The primary benefits seem to be to the heart, likely due to the high antioxidant levels in coffee, and the mind.  Coffee consumption is being linked to Alzheimer’s resistance and it seems that caffeine in small to moderate amounts may be responsible for this and keeping the mind sharp.  Keep in mind that while some is good, a pot or two is likely still not the best thing for your health (and you would be horribly unproductive from all the bathroom breaks). 

Daily Health Tip

Take a brisk 10-25 minute walk every day.  Even this short period of exercise boosts your mood, increases circulation and improves your heart function.  Gather up a group at work or in your neighborhood and challenge each other to walk every day. 

FYI: if you walked even 10 minutes a day for a year you would have spent almost 61 hours exercising more than you would if you skipped the walk : )

Introducing the Dailey Health Tip!!

In addition to the tasty recipes and information provided here we are also going to add a daily health tip.  These are little things you can do each day to improve your health.  Too often we try to change a lot of things at once (think New Year’s Resolutions) only to have it all come crashing down several weeks later.  Look at it this way, if you made even a 1% change in your health a week for a whole year how much healthier would you be in a year?  That small stuff adds up.  So with no further ado the first “Daily Health Tip”!

Almond Flour Breading

This versatile recipe is a way to replace flour breading when cooking chicken, frying fish or making anything that requires a breading.  Try adding various spices and seasonings to mix it up a bit.

1 cup ground almonds or almond meal
1 teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon parmesan cheese

Mix all ingredients together and use as a breading… a recipe with chicken that is totally awesome and uses this breading is coming soon!

Organic Vs. Conventional

A new report summarizing numerous studies done over the past several years came out yesterday with headlines saying that, in effect, organic food is no better than conventional food.  This argument is not new although the premise is a little misguided.  I want people to know that regardless of how a food is produced there are 2 main considerations that need to be made.  The first is the quality of the soil the food is grown in.  Health soil will make for healthy plants regardless if the seed used is “certified organic” or not.  Healthy soil is the key to nutritious produce and always will be.  I prefer organic seeds and produce because you are then guaranteed that the plant is not GMO but all things being equal soil quality, not the source of the seed will determine most of all if the plant that grows contains many of the nutrients the human body needs.


The second element that needs to be addressed is if synthetic pesticides/herbicides have been used and if so how much?  There is no argument that putting poisons in our bodies is bad for us.  I wouldn’t take a sip of something designed to kill mass numbers of bugs and that is what is sprayed on your food with conventional produce.  Organic produce will almost always have significantly less pesticide and herbicide residues on them and they should be of the non-synthetic and less toxic variety or they will have none at all.   To me that means it’s healthier just because it is less toxic. 


It is important to remember with our health, as with all things in life, it is the little choices made day in and day out that matter.  Selecting organic vs conventional produce may not make or break your health today. It may not even matter in a year but over time those residues combined with the other stresses put on your system add up.  If I have the choice I take the organic because I know it is more likely to have higher levels of nutrients because it was raised on healthier soil and has less toxicity from pesticide residues.