Just 1 Freakin' Can of Soda Can Up Your Risk of Getting Diabets 22%!!!!!!

It's no secret soda is BAD for you. The past 2 months alone I have seen articles on people losing all their teeth after several years of soda chugging, an article about all the nasty artificial stuff in a can of the sweet stuff and information on how pop makes you fat. 

Its also common knowledge that you can use soda to clean rust off your car battery connections.  Gee, I can't wait for that can of Coke now that I know it can eat through oxidized metal better than some commercial products can.  That has to be good for my body right?

Well, to add about the billionth cherry on top of the "Don't Drink Pop" sundae  a new study done in Europe which consisted of over 350,000 participants now suggest that 1 can of pop a day can increase the odds you will get diabetes by a whopping, and I mean WHOPPING 22%!!  That's one can people. Think about the effects of 2 cans, 3 cans, 12 cans... pretty scary. 

Why Soda?

The answer has to do with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).  It is a sweetener that contains some compounds that are rapidly converted to fat in the liver which increases overall inflammation in the body.  HFCS also spikes your blood sugar to high heaven resulting in a decrease in the bodies ability to process sugar in the long run which leads to diabetes.  Having a can of soda is a lot like sneaking up on someone and sucker punching them in the head, only in this case you are sucker punching both your liver and pancreas (which produces insulin).  We know its bad. Its not secret and its destroying your health.  Don' sucker punch your liver, and don't sucker punch your pancreas! 

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