Aspartame Linked to Leukemia and Lymphoma

Recent research has linked aspartame, an ingredient in diet soda, to increases in leukemia and lymphoma.  As little as 1 can a day triggered the increase, which is scary since most Americans drink several times that amount per day.  Overall all the data showed these startling numbers from just 1 can of diet soda a day…


- 42 percent higher leukemia risk in men and women (pooled analysis)

- 102 percent higher multiple myeloma risk (in men only)

- 31 percent higher non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk (in men only)


No matter how much you love your diet cola it may be time to give it up considering these numbers.

Daily Health Tip

It’s that time of year again when the sun starts setting so early it seems like it is night before you’re even done with work.  Maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels requires supplementation this time of year.  Making sure you have enough Vitamin D ensures your immune system is ready for the inevitable wave of colds, flues and other cold weather illnesses.  Once the warmer weather and longer hours of sunlight hit you can consider backing off the supplementation but for now it’s pretty much essential if you want to maintain optimal levels over the late fall and winter.

Remember the “Stanford Study”?

About a month ago a study came out of Stanford University which proclaimed organic foods are not more nutritious than conventional foods.  This article has been a source of quite a bit of controversy because of its conclusions, which are at odds with numerous other studies that have come out over the years.  It is also curious that they point out several factors such as the obvious fact that organic produce will not have synthetic pesticides on them, at times say how good organics are and then turn around and claim that essentially there is no difference.  The New York Times recently published a piece sounding off on this study.  This is a link to a discussion about the piece that I found very interesting.

Sea Food Raised on Animal Feces?

Farmed sea food may not be so great for you after all... why?  How it is raised.

See this link from for more informtion

Come on Over To Natural News for a Bit

Ever wonder what all that High Fructose Corn Syrup can do to a human body?  How about young people?  Do you care about your liver? If so please follow the link below.

Spinach Turkey Wraps

4 slices deli turkey (nitrate and filler free)
4 slices swiss cheese
Curry Powder

Spread turkey with hummus and sprinkle with curry powder.  Layer of cheese.  Add another layer of hummus and cover with spinach leaves.  Roll the turkey and cheese up around the spinach. 

Herbs for Stress Relief

This is a link to an article about reducing stress with certain herbs.  It's a good place to start if your looking for natural ways to reduce stress.

Daily Health Tip

Hi there and I apologize for the few days without the daily health tip... that being said todays is a very pertinent one for todays American citizen.

Recent research suggest that the blood sugar levels currently thought of as normal may actually still be high enough to cause significant damage to organs over time.  An article I read today summed up the research, which was done in Australia, which demonstrated that when blood glucose was over 100mg/dl in a 4-year study areas of the participant’s brains actually shrunk by 6-10%.  This striking number demonstrates that even if your blood sugar level does not make you diabetic or pre-diabetic keeping the amount of sugar in your blood low should still provide generous health benefits.  In addition, the areas of the brain that are primarily affected, the hippocampus and amygdala, are areas that increase in size with regular meditation.

Daily Health Tip

When you have had a long, stressful day, Bon Iver is good bedtime music.