Winter Health Supplements

The winter months can be a challenging time to stay healthy.  A number of factors contribute to this. First of all it’s cold out so we do not have as much access to fresh, local produce.  This can lead to nutrient deficiencies that are not common in the spring, summer or fall.  We tend not to exercise as much or as often when it’s cold out which some research suggests, slows down our immune system.  Lastly, Vitamin D, which is produced by our skin during the warmer months is not produced during the winter. This is important because Vitamin D plays a role in numerous body systems so a deficiency can contribute to a number of health problems. So with the winter months approaching what are the most efficient and cost effective way to safe guard your health? 


If you take only 3 things this winter take these…


Multivitamin-  A high quality multivitamin will supply an array of nutrients your body needs.  The best sources of vitamins are food based multivitamins which are typically available through health care professionals.  This should be taken year round, but is especially important during the winter.


Vitamin D- supplementation of  D3 helps the body maintain its vitamin D levels during the winter. During the spring, summer and early fall Vitamin D supplementation is typically unnecessary. 


Fish Oil- fish oils have been linked to numerous health benefits in recent months.  They have been shown to protect mental function, reduce the risk of numerous diseases and to help protect the heart and circulatory system. They also help reduce inflammation in the body which can be an underlying factor in chronic health conditions and illnesses.  These too should be taken year round but are especially important in the winter.


In addition certain “super foods” can be of great value in the winter time because of their extremely high nutrient density. 


My personal favorites are (in no particular order)


Camu Camu


Acai Berry

Goji Berry

Cocoa (chocolate)


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