The Balance of Healthy and Unhealthy Behaviors

They human body is wonderfully designed to adapt to different circumstances.  Many positive changes because of this adaptability are possible.  For example, if you lift weights consistently the muscles you exercise will grow stronger.  If you walk for several miles a day your cardiovascular strength improves.  If you practice mindfulness techniques to manage stress you can actually become a less stressed out person.  Chiropractic care also works because of this adaptability.  If you repetitively reintroduce proper joint motion and muscle function by adjusting areas where normal joint and muscle function has been lost the body will respond by adapting this as its normal state which results in less pain, stiffness, radiating pain and increased nervous system function.


This principle is a double edged sword however because it works the other way too.  If you never work out the body stores extra calories in the form of fat.  If you self-medicate via energy drinks, alcohol or drugs to manage stress soon you find yourself needing that fix to maintain the “normal” climate of your body.  Chronic poor posture inevitably puts extra stress on certain areas of the spine which then results in the build-up of calcium as the body makes up for the extra stress and bone spurs form.  


It is very true to think of health as a set of balanced weights with one side of the balance being healthy things we do and the other side being unhealthy.  Ideally we would weigh down the healthy side with all of our good habits.  The wonderfully healthy foods we choose to eat.  The 45 minutes of exercise we do every single day.  The total lack of stress in our lives… But reality is that often do have a more even balance or even a balance tipped in the favor of our unhealthy habits. 


Remember, the scales can always be balanced


By taking control of our health and doing things we know we should such as change how we eat and implement an exercise plan we start to balance the scales.  By doing any act of willfully improving our health we are by necessity taking away from the unhealthy side and over time the balance shifts.  It’s not an all or nothing game and shifting the scales of health in your favor may take time but its time well spent.




  1. Good article on the healthy balance between nutrition, chiropractic care and a healthy lifestyle

  2. Great article on health awareness and how small changes in your lifestyle can make all the difference.
