Just Local Foods... An Excellent Resource for Locally Raised Meats

Now that the sun has remembered how to shine again, and the glaciers have receded from our garden beds, some of you might also be ready to transfer your meat from the crock-pot to the grill.  Burgers, brats, beer-can chicken anyone?


One of the pleasures of the Chippewa Valley for me is the ever-ready supply of sustainably-raised meat.  As the meat buyer for Just Local Food Cooperative, it is a privilege to work with so many thoughtful, intelligent, and passionate farmers--people who understand their land and resources, who allow their livestock to eat and be for the sake of the water, the soil, the herds and muddies, and for all of us omnivores who enjoy real food and food culture.  Knowing our producers, processors, and distributors, provides me peace of mind to make my own educated decisions and to select the finest (and sometimes most eccentric and traditional) cuts for our ever-expanding customer base--customers who want to make their own healthy and delicious decisions for themselves and their loved ones.


With this in mind, you can feel confident that the meat you buy at Just Local Food is of excellent quality.  No antibiotics or synthetic hormones, just access to pasture, sunshine, and necessary forages all the year round.  You name the cut, we probably have it in stock (although sometimes it is buried or I set it in a special place because I know who wants it) or, if we don't, just ask for Nik and I'll get you what you need when the next animal comes in.  Pastured chicken and turkey, grass-fed beef, buffalo, lamb, piles of heirloom pastured pork, elk, rabbit, wild sockeye, scallops, cod, trout, Lake Superior whitefish...fresh, smoked, or fermented--you name it, we sell it


Stop by today and ask about nose-to-tail eating in the Chippewa Valley.


 Just Local Food Cooperative

1117 South Farwell

Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701




Better yet, stop in and then go home with these delicious grilling recipes:


Marinated Beef (Buffalo, Lamb, or Venison) Steak


For your more economical (but more flavorful) steak selections, procure a sirloin, chuck-eye, flank, or skirt steak.  My personal favorite is the skirt (or diaphragm muscle) done up in a coconut-lime satay.


Marinade ingredients:


1 lime


¼ cup coconut milk


4 tablespoons soy sauce


3 cloves minced garlic


1 tablespoon grated ginger


1 teaspoon grated turmeric


Pepper (to taste)


Rinse meat and place in a glass dish.  Mix all marinade ingredients.  Pour marinade over meat.  Let rest two to three days in the refrigerator, turning daily.  One hour before cooking, remove dish from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature.  Sear meat in a greased cast-iron pan, or grill over an open fire.  Serve rare on a bed of your favorite salad.


Serbian Bacon Burgers




1 pound ground beef


1 pound ground pork


3-4 strips uncooked bacon (coarsely chopped)


Your favorite aged cheese (coarsely chopped)


4-6 cloves garlic (minced)


Hungarian paprika (to taste)


Salt (to taste)


Pepper (to taste)


Mix meat, cheese, and garlic in a bowl, form patties and season liberally.  Sear in a greased cast-iron pan or grill over an open fire.  Serve with cabbage salad, pickled peppers, and beer.

Leave the RDA of Most Vitamins and Minerals Far Behind

All nutrients have been assigned an RDA, or recommended daily amount, by the government.  Many heavily processed foods will advertise that they contain 100% the amount of this vitamin or that mineral, which is really pretty silly since it comes from fortified nutrients which have much less bioavailability in the body. What most people don’t know is that the RDA is not a hard and fast number validated by science.  It is essentially an educated guess on the amount of a nutrient the body needs to avoid clear and obvious disease.




That does not mean anything even close top optimal levels of nutrients.  To compound matters, the average American’s diet is horribly nutrient deficient due to mass consumption of processed foods, fast foods and so called “health foods” like protein bars.  Optimal amounts of nutrients are often several times higher than the RDA.  Similar to the RDA the optimal range of a given nutrient is not the same from person to person but as a whole people are much healthier when they have higher levels of nutrients obtained from real foods.




Much of the focus on diet is on calories in foods.  While this is certainly useful in some cases emphasis on eating for nutrient value tends to result in much higher consumption of healthy foods.  For example, if I were trying to eat a meal that is 800 calories I could accomplish this in one fell swoop by eating pretty much any fast food sandwich.  That 800 calories would consist of mostly refined carbohydrate (bun), sodium and numerous other preservatives (meat and bun), and fat from the meat and left over from the cooking process.  There may be some nutrient value in any fresh veggies on the sandwich but overall the amounts will be fairly insignificant.  With that same 800 calories I could also consume a mixed green salad with extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, ground black pepper, oregano and some chopped free range and nitrate free turkey deli meat.  Add in a hand full of mixed raw nuts and an apple and you are looking at about the same amount of calories but look at the difference in nutrient value.  You don’t need a doctor to tell you the second meal is a much better one for you in terms of eating for nutrient value. 


Getting significantly more nutrients out of your diet is not hard but it does require you being to turn away from packaged and fast foods. It also requires eating fresh food, especially greens, other veggies (not potatoes), fruits and raw nuts.  Good, high quality meats are a great protein source.  Free range, grass fed animals provide the most nutrient dense meat.  Shifting your diet towards this style of eating will significantly raise the amount of health promoting nutrients entering your body and leave the RDA’s for most nutrients far behind.


Anti-Depressants Capable of Causing Instant Death?

New research in the British Medical Journal has added a new anti-depressant drug to a list of anti-depressants known to cause sudden death in patients.  The research indicates that it causes an increase in the length of the Q-T interval of the heart beat. 

The Drugs Change The Heart Rhythm!

Possibly the worst part of all this is that so far there are no indicators of being susceptible to this phenomenon.  An apparently healthy person could increase their dosage of any of these drugs and just drop over dead.  This is scary and the list of drugs is growing.  For more on the list of drugs that can cause sudden death go here...


Larger The Dose, Larger The Risk

It appears that the larger the dose the more risk a patient assumes.  It is also apparent that a sudden increase in dosage can also trigger the change in heart rhythm.  It should be noted that although it does not happen in a large number of people, it happens enough that people should know it is a possible side effect of a drug they may be taking.

Ouch!! Zing Subway!!

Just found this article and it validates what I have been yapping about for the last 2 years that fast food is fast food.  None of its good for you and Jared and Subway are pulling your leg (and the dollars from your wallet) by telling you Subway is any better than any other restaurant.

Click this link  http://news.yahoo.com/breaking-subway-just-unhealthy-mcdonald-185710202.html  to read all about it.  Yes its one study but you know the numbers are the same across the board at these restaurants.  The think I found most sickening was the "health halo" comment.  Basically that means if you think you are at a healthy restaurant you will pay less attention to what you are ordering and end up eating more bad stuff. 

The simple fix?  Don't eat fast food.

Maca Smoothie

Maca Smoothie

1 cup blueberries

¼ cup cranberries

2 tablespoon chia seeds, soaked

1 tablespoon red maca powder

1 tablespoon spirulina powder

½ cup chocolate almond milk

1 cup filtered water


Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.
*for more healthy, tasty recipes please join the e-updates list in the box to the right of this post.

Hamburger Skillet with Leeks

This meal served me well last night when, in a time crunch, I needed something good and I needed it quick!  I suggest cutting the veggies first so the garlic and onion get some air exposure and then adding the meat to the pan and browning it completely before adding the veggies for a short while before serving.  Enjoy!


1lb ground beef or venison

1 large onion, chopped

1 large leek, chopped

1 large garlic clove, chopped

1 tablespoon turmeric powder

1 table spoon REAL salt

1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

3 tablespoons butter or coconut oil


In a large pan add butter or oil and heat to medium.  Add meat and cook until no pink remains.  Add veggies and cook, stirring continuously, for 3-4 minutes.  Veggies should still be crisp when done cooking.  Add turmeric, salt and pepper and stir to blend.  Serve over a mixed green salad.
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Why Would a Chiropractor Care About Cooking?

A common first reaction I get to the cooking chiropractor is curiosity over why a chiropractor would care about cooking.  I can’t tell you how many people have looked at a flyer or recipe card and said something like “I never really thought about a doctor teaching people how to cook.”  Honestly it makes perfect sense. Let me explain.


Chiropractic care focuses primarily on restoring proper function of the joints and muscles of the spine.  When muscles are injured they get tight and sore.  This prevents the joints that the muscles are attached to through tendons from moving normally which leads to pain and stiffness.  If normal movement of the joints is impeded enough then pressure on the nerves exiting the spine occurs which can lead to weakness, numbness, tingling and burning pain as well as shooting pain in the legs or arms.


Part of injury to any area of the body is inflammation.  When the muscles in the spine are inflamed due to injury they take time to heal and your chiropractic treatment plan is designed to cover this time of healing.  However, what if your body is unable to heal properly because of underlying inflammation caused by your diet?  In that case it is unlikely your body will be able to fully recover until you fix the problems in your diet no matter how often you are adjusted.


I have seen people who cut wheat out of their diet see arthritis and other chronic back pain suddenly respond much better to chiropractic care that before had only helped them feel somewhat better when they came in consistently over a period of weeks.  Diet influences overall inflammation levels of the body and inflammation levels of the body determine how effective our natural healing process works.


Chiropractic care is great for taking care of headaches, backaches, numbness, tingling and other injuries.  Changing your diet can also help dramatically reduce headaches, general achiness, joint problems and much more.  Imagine how the two combined could influence your health.

Guest Blogger Sara Hefty from Project Lux

You Have To Start Somewhere

Have you ever experienced an all or nothing attitude? You know, where you're going to be all out healthy or go completely in the other direction? Truth be told, I'm thinking we've all be there at one point in our lives or another.

And you know what?

It's not effective.

It's one of the reasons that 98% of diets FAIL. For every restriction there's an equal binge. And in today's vernacular, diet equals restriction. So, what to do?

Start somewhere. ANYWHERE. And begin with 100% intention to permanently change your relationship with nourishment and self-care. Make it a lifestyle change. A pleasurable, enjoyable, fun-filled adventure in lifestyle change.

The great thing about approaching healthy living in this way is that you get to let go of judgement and deprivation and get curious.

So, go all in on the intention to permanently change your relationship with nourishment. And then, take it step by step. Starting anywhere! I love to have my clients start at the easiest and most pleasurable place for themselves. Make it fun!

Looking for a few ideas to get you started?


How about on the physical side... rocking four 20-minute cardio sessions a week (walking outside, dancing to Pandora, biking, etc.), stretching for three minutes a day, strength training twice a week?

On the food side... how about mastering adding in one fruit and one veggie into your daily life? Figure out how to do this, what you're going to buy, when you're going to buy it, where you'll store it at home, which ones you'll bring to work with you. Master that and then up level to two fruits and veggies a day.

Consider your venture into being a healthier person a living promise to yourself to constantly move towards truer confidence, happiness and playfulness. Be 100% IN with permanently changing your relationship with nourishment and self-care for a trial period of time (a day, a week, a month). Live in a story where nourishment and self-care are the highest order of respect, total truth and integrity are demanded, and shaping your reality is your personal responsibility. And know that everyone is here to support your pursuit of confidence, happiness and playfulness.

The point is to start. Let yourself be the novice, the beginner. (Yes, you're absolutely extraordinary!) So be an absolutely extraordinary beginner, step into your coachable self, and pick a place to start and rock EVERY SINGLE STEP you take with the highest of integrity and truth.

It's one of the bravest and most powerful things you'll ever do.

Sara Hefty
Stress Relief and Transformational Health Coaching Expert

Eating to Neutralize your Body pH

Yesterday I spent a few hours puttzing around planting my little summer garden.  I like to plant a variety of greens so I planted kale, spinach, collard greens and a little chard.  I also planted two rows each of beets and carrots.  Still haven’t planted the beans yet but the fence has been cleared and is ready to help those yummy green beans climb to new heights this summer! 



Before I planted everything I tested the pH of my soil.  It was a very neutral 7.0.  You see, the pH (how acidic or alkaline) the soil is affects how well the plants absorb the nutrients in the soil.  If the soil is too acidic (lower number) or too alkaline (higher number) the plants just don’t do so well no matter the weather or what nutrients are in the soil.  pH is a measured on a scale that runs from 1-14 and many plants need a neutral (pH 7) or just slightly alkaline pH to grow properly.  The Eau Claire area where I live tends to have acidic soil and if my soil had tested out to have a lower pH I would have needed to apply lime to help raise the pH and thus increase the alkalinity of the soil.  This process is effective but does take several weeks to make a noticeable change in the soil pH.


Our Human Bodies

Much like a plant our bodies absorb nutrients best if we are in the proper pH.  This typically means neutral to slightly alkaline.  The problem?  Most people in the US are ACIDIC.  The reason for this is basically what we put into our bodies (our soil if you will).  Everything we put in our bodies serves to either acidify or alkalize our body pH.  As a general rule of thumb plant foods are alkalizing and animal foods are acidifying.  Grains also usually acidy so for simplicities sake when I say plant foods I mean mostly fruits, veggies and raw nuts.  Some foods which are acidic in nature form alkaline by products.  Two perfect examples are lemons and raw apple cider vinegar.  When we can’t absorb nutrients properly how do you think this affects our health?  Right, it makes it worse.  This is part of the reason why exercise and other healthy lifestyle changes we make don’t always have the impact on our lives we had hoped for.  First we have to normalize our chemistry.  The way we do that is with our food choices.


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Oh Yes, Flax Seeds. What’s So Good about Them Again?

Anyone who has been to one of my cooking classes (What?! You haven’t been to one yet?) knows that I hold organic golden flax seed in high regard.  You see, flax is one of nature’s best creations to both nourish and heal the human body. 

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Flax seeds are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids which are extremely important for reducing systemic inflammation and for the proper development of the brain and nervous system.  If the term omega 3 fatty acids sound familiar that’s because the commonly recommended nutritional supplement fish oil is also a source.  Flax seed omega 3 fatty acids are easily digested and use by the body.  Be sure to grind them right before using them in a smoothie adding to yogurt or doing whatever else you are doing with them because otherwise you will not be able to access the nutrients in the seed. 



This is a powerful phytonutrient found in flax.  It is highly responsible for flaxes ability to modulate estrogen and has been shown to reduce cancer in women (see link below).  Flax seed is the most potent dietary source of lignans which are easily accessible for digestion once the seeds around ground.  Golden flax seeds tend to have higher levels of lignans than brown flax, which is why I always recommend going with golden flax.


To read more about flax being used as a cancer intervention: