About This Blog

Hello everyone who reads this blog or to those of you just checking in.  Thanks for reading and for leaving me suggestions and/or comments either here on the blog or at the email  cookingchiropractor@gmail.com. I love getting feedback and try to keep up with any questions or other inquires. I have had several people ask if there are more recipes to be had.  The short answer is YES!! There are plenty of recipes floating around.  I do post on other subjects to try and give people an inside eye on what is going on in health as well as nutrition with this blog as well as post recipes.  If you want to get more recipes please use the tab on the side bar to sign up for the e-updates.  I send out a new recipe about every 5-9 days and there are updates as to the whens and where's of the cooking classes where you can sample these tasty dishes :)  At the typical cooking class you will come away with at least 2 new recipes.  Anyways, the low down is

E-Updates = More recipes

Just 1 Freakin' Can of Soda Can Up Your Risk of Getting Diabets 22%!!!!!!

It's no secret soda is BAD for you. The past 2 months alone I have seen articles on people losing all their teeth after several years of soda chugging, an article about all the nasty artificial stuff in a can of the sweet stuff and information on how pop makes you fat. 

Its also common knowledge that you can use soda to clean rust off your car battery connections.  Gee, I can't wait for that can of Coke now that I know it can eat through oxidized metal better than some commercial products can.  That has to be good for my body right?

Well, to add about the billionth cherry on top of the "Don't Drink Pop" sundae  a new study done in Europe which consisted of over 350,000 participants now suggest that 1 can of pop a day can increase the odds you will get diabetes by a whopping, and I mean WHOPPING 22%!!  That's one can people. Think about the effects of 2 cans, 3 cans, 12 cans... pretty scary. 

Why Soda?

The answer has to do with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).  It is a sweetener that contains some compounds that are rapidly converted to fat in the liver which increases overall inflammation in the body.  HFCS also spikes your blood sugar to high heaven resulting in a decrease in the bodies ability to process sugar in the long run which leads to diabetes.  Having a can of soda is a lot like sneaking up on someone and sucker punching them in the head, only in this case you are sucker punching both your liver and pancreas (which produces insulin).  We know its bad. Its not secret and its destroying your health.  Don' sucker punch your liver, and don't sucker punch your pancreas! 

Chicken Salad Stir-Fry

Chicken Stir-fry Salad

1lb of chicken tenders or breast meat, cubed

2 tablespoons raw organic coconut oil

1 medium carrot, thinly sliced

1 medium onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

1 cup broccoli florets

3-4 medium sized shitake mushrooms, chopped

4 cups mixed greens

1 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


In a medium pan heat coconut oil to medium heat and add carrot, cook for 4 minutes.  Add chicken and cook until no longer pink add remaining ingredients and cook, stirring frequently for 7 minutes.  Remove from heat. Check to make sure chicken is done by cutting open a piece.  Chicken is done when no pink remains. 


In a medium bowl combine greens, apple cider vinegar and olive oil and toss to coat. Then put salad mixture into individual bowls and top with chicken and veggie mixture.  Sea salt can be added if desired.


An Enlightening Conversation

I stumbled upon this article today when searching for information about the effects of high heat cooking on proteins in food.  While it does not answer that particular question the discussion between Dr. Mercola and Dr. Cousens is remarkable because they have a sincere dialogue on health and where people should get their nutrients.  To me the best thing to come of this is the idea that there is no one perfect diet for everyone!  We are all obligated to seek out the diet that works best for us.  The key to health is to listen to the body and to try via experimentation to find out what works best for you.  One of my goals as the Cooking Chiropractor is to introduce people to new foods and methods of preparing them.  I talk about mixing cooked foods and raw foods, quality of foods and the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle.  This article does a great job of crystalizing that line of thinking. Great article from two very smart and sincere healers.



Just read this article which was published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)... it's pretty sad that hospitals actually make more $$ if someone develops a post-surgical complication.  Like $35,000 more per patient.  Also, not earth shattering news if you follow your statistics closely but the paper points out that if Medical Care were a disease it would be the leading cause of death in the USA.  

Article can be read at: http://health.yahoo.net/experts/dayinhealth/study-hospitals-profit-handsomely-surgical-errors

Dirty Dozen/Clean 15

Each year for the past 3 years a list of the foods most heavily contaminated with pesticides comes out (there is also a clean list!).  This years list was just released and following the link below will show you both the clean and dirty list.  However the real issue here is pesticide contamination.  If we know foods are being doused in toxic chemicals (i.e. 1 grape sample tested this year had traces of 15 different pesticides!!) why don't we do more about it?  Many of these pesticides found on the produce tested are known to cause a host of problems from hormone and regulatory issues to weight gain to increasing the odds you will get cancer. 

This list underscores the importance of clean food.  Finding locally produced, pesticide free, or at least very low pesticide residues is so important for good health.  Farmers markets are often a good place to start and with spring eventually arriving here in Wisconsin soon there will be plenty of fresh produce.  Organic food, while somewhat more expensive is also a good choice especially for the "dirty dozen" food items. 

For more info follow...


How Much Platic Are You Eating (From Yahoo.com)

This is an interesting article and just goes to show fresh, whole foods are usually a better choice than most anything that comes in a plastic package.  Although this article does not touch on it bisphenol-A, another common plastic ingredient is another concern, especially with canned products.  More on that later... for now read this article for the low down on plastics in food.


Coconut Oil as as Skin Moisturizer and Other Amazing Health Benefits

I recently discovered how awesome coconut oil is a natural skin moisturizer.  The oil is a solid at room temperature but when applied to the skin it begins to melt and absorb into the skin.  Along with its moisturizing abilities the oil also has an abundance of uses for enhancing health.  The link below goes to a great article detailing the wonderful benefits this oil has on human health.


Coconut Oil to the Rescue!!

Anyone who has been to my cooking classes knows I like organic extra virgin coconut oil.  Check out this recent article from Natural News on the amazing benefits of this healthy fat!


Olive Oil vs. Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that takes away a person’s ability to think and process information.  So far mainstream medicine has no drugs or any real prevention strategies for this disease which continues to be a growing concern, especially in elderly populations. 


I often speak about reducing the overall inflammation in the body.  One way to reduce inflammation is to consume more anti-inflammatory fats.  Foods such as flax seeds, walnuts and extra virgin coconut oil are great choices.  So is extra virgin olive oil.  The benefits found in extra virgin oils are derived from not only the fats found in the oils but also a host of other nutrients that have not been destroyed like they have been in oils that have been processed.  The article link below leads to a great article on olive oil and its possible use in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.  Very interesting stuff…

