If you don’t live anywhere near the equator (think Eau
Claire, WI for example) chances are that in the colder months of the fall and
winter you are not getting enough Vitamin D.
This crucial vitamin is formed by the body when exposed to
sunlight. Typically during the summer
months we make plenty but when the air turns crisp and the coats come out Vitamin
D levels plummet. That is why I
recommend to everyone to take a Vitamin D supplement during the winter
months. Vitamin D does many, many things
but it has a major role in immune function.
Ever notice colds are rare during the summer and common during the
winter? Do you think there are more bacteria and viruses hanging around in the warm
summer or freezing winter? No matter how
you cut it Vitamin D is important stuff and this link discusses some recent
research linking Vitamin D deficiency to
heart disease.
As reported at naturalnews.com